Massage Therapy

Our therapists work with you to establish a treatment plan based on your needs. In your first appointment we will do a detailed assessment and create a customized treatment plan based on your goals. We will discuss what to expect post treatment, risks, benefits and explain all aspects of your treatment. Our therapists are highly trained in a variety of techniques to aid in your care.

Techniques our therapists use:

Myofascial Release
Deep Tissue Massage- Specific massage therapy techniques
Stretching and remedial exercise
Trigger point therapy
Soft Tissue Release
Friction therapy
Joint mobilizations and Joint play
Swedish massage techniques
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization(IASTM)
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction treatments (Cleo)
Sports Massage pre and post event (Cleo)
Schweitzer deep tissue massage techniques (Cleo)
Pregnancy massage (Jody, Stephanie)
Children’s Massage Therapy (Stephanie)
Cranial Sacral Therapy (Stephanie)

Learn more about our talented Massage Therapists

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Instrument assisted Soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a technique that helps in the treatment of fascial tissue, scar tissue and especially effective in post surgical patients, chronic soft tissue injuries and athletes care. These safe and effective tools help your therapist do specific targeted work to help you with your treatment goals. All of our therapists at Panacea Wellness are trained in IASTM. Cleo is an instructor of this technique and has extensive experience working with the tools. Ask us to learn more or visit

Child Massage Therapy

Massage therapy for children has many benefits. Along with decreasing of muscle tension and promotion of healing, it can also: increases body awareness and neurological development, decrease levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), and decrease blood glucose levels. The reduction in stress in children boosts the immune system and its ability to resist diseases. Children often suffer from growing pains and massage has shown to relax the SNS nervous system from firing which helps decrease pain and increase relaxation. Massage therapy for children can help children with stress, anxiety, muscle pain/tension/soreness, insomnia, and many other conditions. 

Stephanie has always had a passion for working with children and especially children on the spectrum. She has experience working with children ages 2 and up. She strives to provide a safe, relaxing and enjoyable environment for her young patients. Stephanie believes that children can really benefit from massage therapy on many levels – in fact, she has had massage therapy when she was young and it has influenced her in choosing this career path. 

Learn more about Stephanie Carrasco, RMT

Cranial Sacral

CranioSacral therapy is a very gentle, soothing therapy using non-invasive massage that works with cranial bones, spinal column, and sacrum. CranioSacral is a light touch, whole body healing technique that was created by John E. Upledger which helps to alleviate stress, pain and tension in the body, promote healing, and improve the body’s ability to self heal. CranioSacral therapy is a safe and effective way of aiding recovery. 
CranioSacral can assist people who suffer from any of the following symptoms:

Chronic fatigue
Muscle pain
Chronic pain
Brain and spinal cord trauma

Learn more about Stephanie Carrasco, RMT

Massage Therapy

Conditions Treated:

Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in British Columbia are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health for their patients. They are educated to assess and treat using techniques such as manual therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, rehabilitative exercise and patient education.

Massage therapists are effective in the treatment and management of many health conditions. Below is a list of some of those:


Cancer is a disease in which cells of an organ or tissue fail to respond to normal control mechanisms, growing and multiplying out of control. Massage therapy is increasingly being included in treatment programs for cancer patients at clinics and hospitals around the world. Research shows massage therapy can enhance cancer patients qualify of life, but massage does not treat the disease itself.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common, disabling condition that affects the median nerve by impairing wrist and hand function.
Symptoms: pain (localized and surrounding), paresthesia in the hand and fingers, weakness, numbness, loss of coordination, limited range of motion, stress and nocturnal pain interrupting the sleep cycle.
Cause: speculated inhibitors include fracture, dislocation and swelling in the wrist, vascular deficiency of the median nerve or direct pressure to the nerve.


Fibromyalgia (fi-bro-my-Al-juh) syndrome (FMS) is a chronic health problem that causes pain all over the body. Some of the other symptoms of fibromyalgia: Migraine or tension headaches, pelvic pain and temporomandibular disorder.

Chronic widespread body pain
Moderate to extreme fatigue
Sleep disturbances
Sensitivity to touch, light and sound
Sufferers have jaw or facial tenderness
Suffer from sensitivity to stimulation
Suffer from constant headaches and migraines

129 million women suffer from this worldwide

Headaches and migraines

Headaches have many causes. Headaches treated by a Registered Massage Therapist include:

Tension Headache: this most common headache is likely due to chemical changes triggering brain nerves and blood vessels.

Migraine Headache: scientists don’t know exactly why migraines occur, but they probably result from swelling in blood vessels and nerves that surround the brain.

Cluster Headache: these are intense headaches that start around one eye, then spread to nearby areas of the face.

Sinus Headache: due to inflammation, usually in the frontal and maxillary sinuses

Low Back Pain

Low back pain is very common, but a precise cause is often not found. Researchers found that 60-80% of people will experience uncomplicated back pain at some time in their life.

Non-specific low back pain accounts for over 90% of patients presenting for care and refers to any type of back pain in the low back (Lumbar) region that does not have a specific cause. Some of the causes include:

  • Traumatic injury

  • Lumbar sprain or strain

  • Postural strain

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that effects the immune system and central nervous system (composed of the brain and spinal cord). MS can occur at any age but is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15-40.

Symptoms: most common symptoms are inflammation of myelin, over all muscle weakness (especially in the back), balance problems, blurred vision, poor posture and alignment.

Cause: there is no concrete answer to the cause of multiple sclerosis as its abnormalities attack parts of the brain. Doctors suspect that genetics and a person’s environment may be the root of MS.

Registered Massage Therapists May Help:

  • Use deep tissue or myofascial release to increase oxygen and circulation around the body

  • Can improve range of motion amongst joints

  • Provide strengthening exercises for weakened muscles

  • Can improve fatigue and pain to enhance quality of life


Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about 10% of the population.

Recent research suggests that OA is a group of diseases marked by a dysfunction in the repair of joint cartilage, especially in the weight-bearing joints such as the knees and hips.

Symptoms include: joint pain that may come and go, morning stiffness, loss of mobility, boney changes.

Causes: joint injury, infection, genetic factors and joint mechanics may play a part in the onset of osteoarthritis.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Reduce pain

  • Improve function, flexibility & mobility

  • Reduce disability

  • Improve sleep

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Improve quality of life by providing home exercise advice

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammatory condition of the plantar fascia (connective tissue that creates the arch of the foot). It is the most common cause of localized heel pain in adults.

Symptoms: pain in the heel (especially during the initial steps of the day or after a period of sitting), swelling, paresthesia.

Cause: plantar fasciitis is strongly correlated to sedentary or athletic lifestyles, as well as obesity. It is most commonly caused by overuse; however, the exact root is unclear.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Reduce tissue pain and tenderness

  • Decrease pain-related disability through regular exercises

  • Reduce localized pain through massage techniques used on surrounding muscles (i.e. calves)

  • Reduce swelling through hydrotherapy


A woman’s body undergoes major physiological, structural and emotional changes during pregnancy.

Some women experience muscle and joint pain. Stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue can also be problematic for pregnant women.

Pregnancy-related low back and pelvic pain has an impact on daily life for many women. A recent study has shown this type of pain is prevalent in 72% of pregnant women.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Reduce general muscle tension and pain

  • Decrease stress, depression and anxiety

  • Improve mood and sleep

  • Decrease back and pelvic pain

  • Reduce headaches

  • Manage symptoms of edema & sciatica

    Learn more about what we offer for pregnancy at Panacea Wellness here

Sports Massage Therapy

Sports massage therapy has been a time-honoured practice dating back to ancient Greece and Rome.

Sports massage therapy can be included in a training program as a pre-event warm up or post-event cool down to aid performance and assist in injury prevention.

Current research provides evidence that massage therapy can reduce delayed muscle soreness and positively affect heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormonal levels resulting in a relaxation response, reduced anxiety and improved mood.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Decrease pain by reducing muscle soreness

  • Reduce anxiety and promote relaxation

  • Promote greater flexibility & range of motion through active & passive remedial exercises

Stress Release

Stress is something we experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment, it can be both positive and negative.

Positive stress can encourage action and raise our awareness and excitement. Negative stress can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, create sleep loss, anger, high blood pressure and other medical problems.

Massage therapy can help reduce the negative outcomes of stress and help to induce relaxation.

Reduce muscle soreness

  • Secrease stress and anxiety

  • Promote relaxation

  • Secrease muscle tension

  • Improve sleep

  • Decrease depression


A stroke occurs when a blood vessel to the brain stops. Blood flow to the brain is disrupted, causing oxygen and blood supply to be compromised and brain cells die within minutes resulting in a medical emergency.

Symptoms: the most common include: headache, numbness or tingling (on one side of the body), loss of coordination, trouble with speaking or comprehension and loss of balance.

Cause: Ischemic stroke is an obstruction in a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke is a weakened blood vessel causing leakage into the surrounding brain.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Reduce localized pain using massage techniques on surrounding muscles (i.e. thighs, abdomen, calves etc.)

  • Secrease pain-related disability through various exercises

  • Provide stretches to avoid cramping

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a syndrome of multiple pathologies affecting the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and related structures. It is estimated that TMD affects more than 25% of the general population.

Symptoms: jaw pain, joint sounds, impaired jaw movement, muscle and joint tenderness, headaches, ear-related symptoms, cervical spine disorders, depression, poor sleep quality, and low energy

Cause: TMD is most often viewed as the result of repetitive motion of the masticatory structures; however, it is also correlated with increased stress, jaw trauma, and clenching or grinding of the teeth.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Reduce joint pain and tenderness

  • Decrease stress and depression

  • Increase oral opening and movement through exercises

  • Promote relaxation and better sleep

  • Reduce headaches


Whiplash is a condition resulting from an acceleration deceleration transfer of energy to the neck. Automobile accidents, sports injuries and occupational mishaps are events that can cause this injury.

Symptoms: Whiplash may result in boney, muscle, nerve and other soft-tissue injuries. Whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) may include pain and numbness, muscle spasm, dizziness, headaches, and social & psychological issues. The condition can vary from mild to severe.

Research has shown that, with proper guidance, early return to work enhances recovery and reduces the risk of long-term disability.

Registered Massage Therapists may help:

  • Decrease muscle spasm and pain

  • Restore range of motion

  • Improve muscle strength, endurance and tone

  • Reduce headaches

  • Improve function

For a full list of all the many things Massage Therapy treats please visit